How exactly does one become "Down with OPP"?


Favorite Answer

You get arrested in the Big Easy and go to the Orleans Parish Prison. Duh!

Riddle me this2008-07-03T10:20:09Z

OPP stands for Other People's Property.

Thats like have sexual relations with someone elses man/woman with no strings attached. That person you are messing with, is the other persons property. You are aware that the woman/man is in a relationship with someone else, but you both chose to screw around with each other. Only the both of you know what you do on th DL.Thats OPP

BWT I'm not down with it ;) LOL


haha kidding. Drop a load on 'em dave. "you just have to hit it"

lucy diamond2008-07-03T10:17:05Z

If you must ask then you will never know.


Do your friends girlfriends that should do it