what are you doing for the 4th of July??

i may go to my friends house on the 4th, but my whole town is doing all the activities on the 5th


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oooo im so ready for tomorrow! lol we've been talking about it all week!
im going to my cousins house and all of our family will be there for a cookout and her neighborhood is having this huge crazy water fight then after all the grown ups leave thats wen everything really starts lol then around 9 we're going downtown to see the fireworks show then around midnight a friend of mine is having a 4th of july party and somewhere in between there im sure ill see my baby lol

Detroiter1967is outa here!2008-07-03T17:21:03Z

Every year they have the Tennessee & National Fiddlers Jamboree in Smithville, TN around the 4th of July. Amateurs compete to win $ prizes. Different categories/age groups
wee lil' ones to the seniors. Fiddle, Dulcimer, Buck Dancing, Square Dancing, Gospel singing. Bluegrass mainly is the music you'll hear. Along with Arts & Crafts. They also have a bunch of smaller groups pick'n around the square there downtown Smithville TN around the courthouse where it takes place. It's a 2 day event starts bright and early and sometimes goes on until the wee hrs. of the morn. Parking ranges from Free to about $5 depending on where you go. This will be the 37th yr. in that small town. There's chairs avail but, you'll want to bring your own incase they're taken. Different food venders there as well. Fun times... if this is your type of entertainment. Some ppl have come as far as the U. K. to this little town's event. The local public tv channel televises it. I think I've even seen it on PBS. if you can't make it. Great for the family as well.
Ye haw!!!! My fam. gets involved with the going on's there... I've been just about every year. They're calling for rain so, be prepared folks those that are going... woo hoo!!!safe travels everyone.. have a good one.


I'm having a BBQ. We live in the only spot for a few block radius where you can safely light fireworks. So my family and I will lurk on the upstairs patio of the McMansion we call home and take aim at all the neighborhood kids with water balloons. They'll attempt to return fire with supersoakers. It's a yearly tradition here!


amanda the creek2008-07-03T17:06:25Z

We are going to have a bbq, and then around 9pm, climb on the roof of my house and watch the fireworks from St. Louis, and from 3 other counties around us. Our town is one of the highest natural points, in Illinois. We always get to see a lot of fireworks.


Going to the Pgh Regatta for the day then on to the Gateway clipper to cruise the rivers while watching the fireworks.

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