Name of a prescription cream?

I am having a tattoo removed (laser) and the plastic surgeon recommended that I use this cream along with the laser treatments to help it along (since he can't turn up the laser anymore. What it's supposed to do is bring the cells to the surface so it helps break up the ink in my tattoo. I looked it up when I got home and found it was an anti-viral cream used for genital warts (and that it was around 300 bucks a tube-ouch!). Now I can't remember the name of it. Any ideas?


No, it's not Zovirax...that only comes in pill form. What I am speaking of is a cream.

I have many tattoos and love all but this one because of the placement. Not interested in getting it covered. It's almost gone from the lasering already :-)


Thanks for the answers...I found it. It's called Aldera


Favorite Answer

probably Zovirax 5% cream (generic name acyclovir cream)


Unless you're just completely against tattoos now, I'd personally advise against tattoo removal. It often leaves scars, its painful, there can be complications, and a LOT of money down the drain. If you got a tattoo you don't like, go talk to a good artist. Almost ANY tattoo can be covered and made into something that you will like, even if its solid black. Go talk to an artist, they'll let you know what can and can't be done. It's a lot cheaper, and you might be able to get something you'd actually be pleased to show off.


OMG! i know exactlly what you are talking about i have TONS of blackheads on my nose and my forehead the way i got them out(well my mom actually got them out) she used a bobby pin and pushed them out but the bad thing about that method is that it leaves a little red spot where the blackhead used to be but it will be cleared up in about a week and then i used biore nose strips to keep the area clean of dirt so the blackheads wont come back blackheads are the hardest thing to get rid of but good luck!!