The Hook..?

I am working on a novel and want to know if the first paragraph of chapter 1, is enough to hook the reader.
Thank you xXx

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Early March 2008. At this point in my life, I was an ordinary teenage girl. 17 years old with no particular ambitions to work towards, no excitement and no adventure. Every morning, I would grit my teeth and stumble out off my soft, warm bed dreading the day ahead. Slowly I’d wonder down the well worn path to the ancient wreck of a building, in which I’d go to bury my head in some frayed, over used books. Each day, I longed for the elegant hands of the old Victorian clock to strike 4 so that I could drag my aching feet back down Mysc Avenue, returning to the cold and lonely place I called home..

Michelle (L)2008-07-04T13:23:41Z

Favorite Answer

I love it! You sound like a very talented writer=) It hooked me for sure lol.

ƱJanoƱ loves the ƱColtsƱ2008-07-04T13:31:01Z

You deserve an E for effort. But I don't believe you have found your hook yet. Keep trying for the hook that will get you an A. Don't get discouraged though, you'll get there with practice and time. Good Luck. Peace.


It depends on what kind of book it is, because if it's not a horror book then I wouldn't even pick it up.


Honey, that ain't a hook it is a sliding board into boredom.

