What is it about Yahoo Answers that makes you want to keep coming back to the site and answer more questions?
Or ask more questions?
Or ask more questions?
Teresa (SFECU) -†- pray4revival
Favorite Answer
I come back for two reasons.
1.) The possibility that someone here might be positively affected by what I have to say and therefore might open their heart to the word of God and the salvation promised through Jesus Christ.
2.) To keep vigil on those who distort the word of God and preach a false message that draws others away from the salvation offered through Jesus Christ.
The questions with regard to the character of Republicans are sweeping generalisations and would desire to be perceived as insulting however the question concerning Bush as a obtainable contender for the Anti-Christ seems to me to be a superbly truthful and smart question, pretty interior the context of the unusual political/religious messages, with regard to the function of the u . s . interior the success of the e book of Revelations, that have been started under the Reagan administration and function persisted with the 'end timers' who're at the instant surprisingly influencial interior the Bush administration. i've got faith the final Pope additionally asked this question.
I like to help people if I can. Other reasons include, this place being a "Productive place to waste time". I also like all the quirky sorts of people and questions on here. This place is also very addictive. My Contacts are also a big reason why I come here.
In God We Trust
I enjoy answering questions and helping others. On the other hand, I receive very positive help when I need to ask questions. It is a win-win situation. Peace!
You find people from all over, and give and get advice. It's like a state of world peace on the internet, except for the trolls and reporters of course.
I bet reporter clem is going to come and say this is chatting!!!