Elbow problems?

The small bone on the outside of my arm next to my elbow is very sore.What could this be ?Is there something i can do for the pain? Thanks


Favorite Answer

are you sure it's not the tendon???

If it really is the bone hurting, you should see a doctor...

if it's the tendon which can be very sore and irritable esp when pressure is applied, icing and a support band can help.. they have ones for tennis elbow.... google that conditon to see if the symptoms fit and also ace bands for the elbow areas you can use esp during activity to provide more support.

Iceing it should help with the pain and heat too... take some ibuprofen to help the inflammation and pain and it shpuld go away on its own if its strain related.... it could be repetitive stress too for which it could help to see a doctor to make sure of the diagnosis and suggest treatment to prvent further damage if there is something going on with the joint causing this...

good fortune