Who coined the phrase, 'coined the phrase?'?

POLL: Dollar coin or dollar bill?


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This usage began in the mid 20th century. For example, in Francis Brett Young's novel Mr. Lucton's Freedom, 1940:

"It takes all sorts to make a world, to coin a phrase."

I got it I got it I am so proud.


The phrase was made popular by
professor Willaby B Coin

Who said the same phrases over and over again.. to the point that people where tired of hearing it.

Heard a phrase alot then - he coined the phrase.


Ah, well you already have a "wiki" answer, so I'll say: Hm, someone who liked "dimes."

POLL: I like coins. You ever try to flip a dollar and see if it's heads or tails? Ever throw a dollar into a well and make a wish? Exactly. Coins are more popular.

Just ask Dimebag Darrell. (10 points if you know who that is, haha)


Some dude with a thing for coins and or Phrases.


Mr. Coin....

Dollar Coin....

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