what should I think and do?

I caught my husband looking on my space.com for women 18-36 yrs of age & now he has his own private myspace. Upon further research I discovered that he's looking into fostering children (but not with me). I' ve already drawn my own conclusions but I want to know what you think?


Favorite Answer

Darn it, Rose, what's wrong with people?

Ever wonder why folks keep thinking the grass is always greener...when it really isn't?

I'm sure you're frustrated as hell. Sometimes I think sites like myspace and facebook (and sometimes this one) have become much, much more destructive than helpful to people.

It simply makes it way too easy to enter a virtual world of flirting, untruths, infidelity, etc. resulting in some people getting a truly distorted view of the world.

As for your situation, I'm sure the conclusions you've drawn are right on. If you think the relationship can or is worth saving, by all means go for it. If not, you certainly sound intelligent enough to know when to move on.

Either way, best of luck to you.


Have you sat down and talk to him about what you found out? Before you any big changes like leaving ask him for the truth so you two to fix it or go your own ways. You have to understand men want the best of both worlds. Have a wife at home and someone on the side for everything else you don't do.


Myspace isn't necessarily scandalous, it's just something the kids do. As far as fostering children, I would be surprised to find out my husband has ideas, thoughts and passions that aren't run past my approval. Just surprised, is all. *Shrug*


You should think he's cheating and you should leave him. Not a hard question. Fostering children??? For what purpose?? Weird.

T L2008-07-09T16:36:47Z

He is either a pedofile or is thinking about leaving for a younger women who wants children.

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