tell me why it is?

That when you give an honest opinion to someone about their silly question they report it as a violation but they are allowed to troll the answer boards and mess with people 24/7? Guess I made the list for being honest? Some folks and their young ones!

Mad Jack2008-07-11T12:42:51Z

Favorite Answer

When you receive a violation notice that you feel you don't deserve, reply to the email message. Plead your case honestly and respectfully. As you are looking to get someone to do something for you at Yahoo, this is not a time to be angry or disrespectful.

If Yahoo agrees with you, they will remove your violation and restore your points.

I have been reported several times. Each time I was able to successfully plead my case to Yahoo and get the violation dropped.

Good Luck

Angela D2008-07-11T20:44:48Z

It's because Yahoo aren't really interested in looking at what's actually posted here and the context it's posted in.

They simply accept at face value any violation report and the "appeals" process they have is bogus and just designed to give the appearance of a process.

Try getting anything other than a cut and paste reply to a specific question you raise if you appeal and you'll see that you are not actually dealing with a real person who has the initiative to deal with the issue at hand.

The idea that you can ever get Yahoo to reverse a violation is utterly laughable.

The end result is it's a charter for people to complain knowing they'll never get held to account by Yahoo and the rest of us are penalised for calling an idiot an idiot.


Huzzah to you! I don't know what's with these people either.

They're a bunch of whiners. It doesn't help that Yahoo automatically lets their servers delete ANYTHING that gets complained about for any reason, either!

Then you get a nastygram from them, and if you reply all Yahoo does is tell you that you can have it arbitrated. Jeez, it's two meaningless points already, and I'm not into putting forth that much effort just to force my answer back online.

Yahoo's policy used to tell people to expect answers they don't agree with, and that differing opinions can simply be ignored. But it seems that there are Answer Nazis roaming about just waiting to CENSOR anything they don't like.

What's the worst that could happen? I mean, you get an answer you disagree with and what? The rest of the online community takes your birthday away? Everyone gangs up and puts mothballs in your gas tank? Why complain about an answer, really? Grow some cojones, already!

Yeah, whiney-pants, you really showed me, didn't you? Took away two whole points from my 13,000+, and now I won't get into heaven or something? Gosh, it hurts so much not to be wanted by YOU. Oops, drat; I just got over it. Better luck next time, eh?

Lover not a Fighter2008-07-11T19:37:31Z

You are correct.

Some people ask for answer and get a real attitude if they don't like the answer. I even had a case where I answer matter of factly. So she read that as being a smart A$$ and started cursing me out.

She started following my post and saying rude thing (the reason why I had to make my question and answer private).

Some people just go through life radiating negative energy. And then wonders "why don't people like me??"

Good Luck...

P.S. don't give up. That was a year a go and now I'm up to level 7.


The people who administer this site are a bunch of geeks who take the word of the troll rather than actually investigating the issue.
I've had a couple of accounts locked because the truth isn't always pleasant or socially acceptable.

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