What is the deepest water where you have caught bass?
In what month/season please.
In what month/season please.
Golden Feather
Favorite Answer
50 - 60 Ft. Spotted bass and Small Mouth....using a drop shot rig.
Don't fish that deep much, takes to much patience...LMAO
I have fished bass in plenty water (40-50 ft ) . But the deepest I've ever caught was probably 18- 20 ft using a solid chrome 2" spoon rigged behind by a green and white spinner, trolling. wgt was 6.5 lbs
the deepest would be around 25 ft give or take a couple inches. that was last year and i believe it was june i want to say i think. the bass retire for a good part of the hot day to get away from the heat and retreat to either shaddy or deeper locations in the body of water that they are in. the bass wasn't a big ol thing but i was crankin around 25 ft. man that was fun pulling his butt up and out of the water. good luck and good fishin
Dane Cruz
Deepest for me was 17' of water. Caught a 4lb. 6oz. largemouth last January vertically jigging a BPS Lazerblade.
20' on a edge of a dropoff. July and smallmouth. Small crankbaits. Good fishing.