haha do you love getting thumbs downs just cuz you know your answer got on someones nerves??

i think its sorta funny lol

k Marx ii2008-07-12T09:51:53Z

Favorite Answer

One time I got 15!


YES. i also love putting smart *** comments and getting thumbs up!!! ( but usually there is a couple thumbs down with that)


haha, it is some times, but not when i put a lot of thought and opinions in my answer and someone thumbs it down, thats kinda annoying.


Skullvarnish is a Smart@ss2008-07-12T16:50:30Z

Yeah, my answers get on peoples nerves sometimes. It's kinda funny.


doesn't worry me, I only give what I think is good advice, it's what I would tell my daughters or sons, if people don't like my telling them as it is then they can thumbs down any time! I think it's funny too!

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