Awkward Experiences In Public?

Haha, maybe im paranoid but everywhere i go, DAILY i experience something awkward or creepy in public, ^-^ anything ever happen to you? name ittt, most interesting gets 10 points !

* star this if you sometimes feel observed or as if your being followed in public.

<3 jayde2008-07-13T19:40:43Z

Favorite Answer

well, i felt as if i was famous in sobeys :) me and YOU! lol, were there and odd people were smiling at us, and multiple jakes were smiling at us too =( creepy as in a 12 year old trying to make a 15 year old go out with a 9 year old.. thats just wrong, another creepy thing that happend, and attack on the way to the store :] ^-^

edditeed: i just had an awkward experience in walmart, the lady asked me if i enjoyed being pretty . WTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL.
i know creepy, ill tell you more when you go on msn lol.


Probably in 7th grade when my friends and I were at the mall, and all of us were dared to go into the Disney store. We were to walk up to the cashier with a Pooh Bear plushie, one-by-one, and ask how much it cost, in 2-5 minute intervals. I was the 6th person to go and ask the price, and it felt really stupid even though it was a harmless prank, especially because the price tag was right on the plush toy.


I always seem to be the one that trips up things, or slipping over on grass, falling down stairs, hell even over my own feet and yeah, it's usually in public. I fell down the stairs at a restaurant while everyone inside was still eating and they could see me tumble. When I got outside I then tripped up the curb. I've even fallen out of a sleeping bag... no idea how, but I have. Come call it klutziness but I call it talent. :)


Im curious to know what you see. lol.

Once I was walking down the street and some man flashed is boyhood at me. I freaked out. Not to mention my boyfriend was out of town for the weekend, I thought maybe the guy followed me home. I as paranoid and sleep with a knife and my dog.


I once opened the tap water of a public bathroom too fast and water spilled on my pants. I walked around with my bag over my pants for the next hour and a half.

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