Torsion and Bloat...Doberman?

I have a 14 month old female doberman. Before I got her I did a lot of research on the breed concerning torsion and bloat (as they rank 8th in likelihood to have this problem). I make sure that she eats three small meals a day, that she doesn't eat before or after rigorous exercise and take other precautions to make sure that this doesn't happen to her.
Recently, within the past two months, I have noticed that she is burping...after she eats mostly. Is this something I should worry about?...I don't want to go to the vet just to say "My dog is burping."... and if anyone has had any experience with this problem is this a symptom of an oncoming problem? Thanks!


Favorite Answer

Dobies are just a burpy, gassy breed. If my dober guy's not burpin' then he's tootin'. However, I did have a talk with my vet because once in a while my guy gets an obviously uncomfortable case of trapped gas which made me worry more about the risk of bloat. Vet thought it was a reasonable concern. Essentially, this is what I learned:
1. As long as the gas is moving along and escaping one way or the other, things are fine.
2. When gas is trapped, you must get the parastolic movement going again to get that gas out. Do this by going for a walk then gently massaging the belly. If these things do not help, then a dose of Gas-X (Simethecone) is fine.

Sounds like you're doing all the good common sense things to avoid bloat. Also keep in mind that besides restricting food before/after heavy play/exercise, you must also restrict water...just a little water here and there...don't let her drain the bowl.

Enjoy your dobergirl!




Just keep an eye on her. She is in the high risk group but usually it is older dogs. Maybe some of her food does not agree with her, or she is eating too fast and gulping air. Gulping air is an activity that can produce bloat. Talk to her vet. Keep an eye on her. Bloat can kill quickly. Dogs usually gag and may throw up while foam in fairly large volume, act like they are choking, walk around, can't get comfortable, and the tonge and gums will appear cyanotic very quickly. Bloat is an extreme emergency to get to vet. Good luck.


i have a 2yr old male dobie, i worried about bloat also. i fill his bowl in the mornings and he eats here and there throughout the day. if he does end up eating all of it, i dont let him run around nor go out. if your dobie eats real fast, you can fill a second bowl, and give only handfuls into her bowl, or buy a special bowl that supposedly helps. you can always call your vet and just ask about burping, if your vet is like mine, they are stingy and wont tell you. you can try calling other vets and emergency vets.