Is there a way i can hook my X-Bow 360 up online using Wireless?

See, I don't want to have to move the 50 inch plasma downstairs to the internet port. Is there a wireless adapter for the x-box?

chuck norris2008-07-16T08:00:05Z

Favorite Answer

you can buy a wireless adapter which costs you $99.99 or if you have a laptop you could connect your ethernet cable from your laptop to your xbox 360.
in computer go to internet options and change to share networks connections that will give you wireless for 360 all you need is a laptop down there. happy to help

Ethan H2008-07-16T14:58:03Z

yes there is an adaptor but it will cost you 100 bucks i recomend getting a xbox 1 adaptor or an ethernet adaptor they'll both work usb adaptors don't work though and make sure you have a compatible router for your adaptor, go to staples or best buy and make sure they have a return policy if it doesn't work, i had the same question yeterday