My 10 week old Toy Poodle eats grass.?

Is this ok? I heard different rumors one person I spoke to says its ok because it helps their stomach when they are sick others say its bad for puppies. When I take him out he runs right to the grass and starts eating help!!!


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no biggie, my dog eats it after he eats, i think it should be FINE! my dogs have never had a problem with it!


If he's eating a goodly amount, it means he has a bad stomach. Look at his poo (gross I know) and see if it looks normal. IE has no blood, is fairly solid and doesn't stink. If any of those are apparent, take your dog to the vet. Eating a little bit of grass is OK, but not a lot. It could be that his stomach isn't agreeing with his food. If you have him on a generic low quality food, you should consider strongly a premium brand, like Wellness or Nutrscience.


Possibly an upset stomach, but try to deter him from that. I have a poodle he also likes to eat grass, then he vomits. Maybe a vitaman deficiency. Look into Pet Tabs.


Your puppy either has a very bad stomach ache, or she just likes the taste of grass. Don't worry, my dog grazes too.


His stomach must be hurting. Usually when dogs eat grass, it's when they want to throw up. My dogs do it all the time; no big deal.

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