Scientologists believe that you are as healthy and happy as you are self-determined. What do you think?

This is a key concept in Scientology. It means that people would be happier and healthier in places where they are more able to control their own life (such as USA or Australia as opposed to China or Zimbabwe). It means that as governments and groups place more restrictions on individuals, that people get less happy & less healthy.
This relates to why children are frequently ill. They have difficulty communicating what they want and often don't understand that what they want is probably not the best thing for them. So they tend to get over-ruled rather forcefully and often. These upsets accumulate and can create an angry,rebellious teenager.

We believe that if you were to put aside all the reasons you can't do it (money, time, fears, other-people) and figure out what you really want to do with your life, that you are taking your first step towards a happier, healthier life.

What are your thoughts on this?


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Ofc the more you restrict and 'imprison' someone the less happy they are likely to become. However some people become used to certain barriers and restritctions and become unhappy if they are removed, or changed.

It does not follow however that you shouldn't look at the reasons not to do something as you seem to leap to by the end of your statement. This is something entirely different from your first statement and question.

When considering anything the best course of action is always to consider all the information, positive or negative.

In scientology they tell you that anything negative against scientology is entheta, it is not from 'source' and thus is wrong. They teach you can only learn about scientology from the Church of Scientology and you shouldn't look up critical information, and if you do happen upon it, they teach you should disregard it as lies put out by suppresive person's or groups.

This is one part of what constitutes cult mind control.

I suggest you re-evaluate your first and last statement and realise how they are infact not connected.

Additionally children being ill is mostly related to a developing immune system and far more contact with things that can make them ill, and just because scientology tells you they are all pyschosomatic does not make it true. Additionally children are not always 'frequently ill'.

I suggest you do proper research on the critical information regarding the organisation you have joined, and don't just dismiss the court trials, govt. investigations, scientific papers, video evidence, ex-member testimony, and other affected people/organisations. You have heard scientologies take on it, now why not investigate the other side.


Where did you get the generalization that "children are frequently ill"? Is this just Scientology children or all? My children are not frequently ill and are actually in very good health. This is because I take good care of them, tend to their needs, and take them to the doctor when they need it.

Why would you say something like that and what would Scientology do to make my kids sick?

Arantheal  2008-07-17T11:25:32Z

Yes, people are happier when they are self-determined. But you should know that is by no means a scientologist invention.

Check out Maslow's pyramid of needs. The pyramid varies a bit from person to person, but on average is the same.


There have been many phony religions started by people who recognized how lucrative it could be. Scientology is unique in that its founder was heard on many occasions to publicly state his wish to do so.

It's harder than just working the fringes of established religions, pretending to be one of them (like the infamous televangelists), but it pays a lot more. Sure did for Hubbard.


I don't believe in Scientology, but any psychologist would probably agree that you would be healthier and happier if you had freedom and worked in a job you liked.

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