Escape proof dog harness for my Boston Terrier?????????

She is an escape artist I guess. She is stocky, broad chested, short necked, wide shouldered little Houdini! I named her Idgie off that girl on the "Fried Green Tomatoes" movie cause she was so ornery like her!!! I can't find the proper harness for her short thick neck. Any suggestions? Please give a link to any store online so I can view the harness. It would be greatly appreciated!
Here she is:


Sorry I didn't know one had to be logged in to Myspace see the pictures! She weighs 22 lbs, she's not a dainty thing at all! Kinda big for a Boston but her father was 30 lbs. and her mother was 14. So she is in the middle. She was 2 yr old this May. She is so ornery!!!!! I wish you could see her when she has done a bad thing she can't stand for me to look at her!!! She will put her butt up and just scold me for looking at her like that!! Ha-Ha I can't stay mad at her!! We mostly need the harness when we go camping, we like to let her stay out when we are out side but she will be gone in a flash if not secured, but she just backs right out of those shoulder harnesses we got at Walmart. I haven't seen the cris/cross one "Cadsuane" has mentioned, but that looks like it may work better. She has a doggy door to a fenced back yard N comes n goes as she pleases at home.


OK you can see her at this link with out logging in, only you'll have to look through all my family N other stuff you aren't interested in.! But your welcome too see her.
Thanks everybody!!!!!!Give your dogs, kitty's, gerbil's, rabbits, guinea pigs, horses cows or whatever pet you love a big hug!!! N make them feel loved!


Favorite Answer

i wont know where to get it bougth, but i will try to find a picture of one, trick is though there is no such thing as 110% scape free, only those who have higher or lower risks

and with hunting dogs we sure have gone through some before we ended at the curent one, oddly enough this one look minimalistic in comparason to a lot of others, yet it has proven better

ok couldnt quite find it, probably searching for the wrong thing, but will try to explain it

first of the general principle of it is this X shape

it do not look like that though, but its the closes thing i could find to sort of explain...the harness has ticker nylon straps just like a proper harness

like this

however its sort of more formed like the first, only it comes off as lower, and there is no metal in the front, instead the straps are intercrossing on themself to form the cross, that then goes up both infront and behind the leg

i really should had a proper picture, it sounds more insecure i know, but the whole point is how its designed to form around the dog in the corect places (unlike the first one) to make ie harder for the dog to break out of it by push and pull tecniques (which is something a lot of hunters had problem with with the old and "normal" harnesses)

however for normal walking your best off with a normal old fassion quality leather collar, this is what all the hunters use from where i grew up

and stay away from anything smelling of millan, the guy do not know what he is doing, i have an article on my blog about it and can quote about his product
"Like collars Cesar Millan uses his own product designed to be used high up under the troath so that it inflicts the dog obvious uncomfortability in the form of chocking assosiations." This is no way to train the dog, you want a training chocker, then get a normal chocke chain and use it corectly instead of scaring your dog. The guy is dangerous and have no animal education at all, internationaly recognised animal behaviouralists have on several ocations tried to stop his shows.


Every dog I've ever owned was able to escape a harness. I suggest a simple collar. A harness actually allows a dog to use their body muscles when pulling on a leash.


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Escape proof dog harness for my Boston Terrier?????????
She is an escape artist I guess. She is stocky, broad chested, short necked, wide shouldered little Houdini! I named her Idgie off that girl on the "Fried Green Tomatoes" movie cause she was so ornery like her!!! I can't find the proper harness for her short thick neck. Any...

Rochelle T2008-07-17T13:45:29Z

don't use harnesses for walks. harnesses are meant for working dogs, and for those specific training purposes.
they increase a dog's instinct to pull as well, making for very difficult, uncomfortable walks, and exercise time.
try the Illusion collar by Cesar Millan. the other suggestion (first answer) is good, too.
you can try just a cheap, 50 cent lead as well, and it'll work just as good.

good luck


my boston terrier is one yr. he is long legs not short nosed or short necked just bought him a meshessed hanrness velcrow lock and a lock snapin with metal saw him squim himself backing up till vest was over his head till he was out.He has a run out side. Got him as a birthday gift from my daughter she got to meet his mother not his father. HE WEIGHS ABOUT 20LBS NOW.Dont no what to buy as a harness ?

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