I have a 12 week old Toy Poodle male who Not just bites but.....?

He Literally lunges for your hand and Bites down hard. I know hes a puppy. And people say that will stop but he runs around real crazy and if you put your hand down to try to pet him . He lunges at your hand. Is this normal for a puppy and when will it stop? Please help thanks...

Susan K2008-07-19T18:37:43Z

Favorite Answer

It won't stop. You have to stop it. What you have to do is put your hand out and when he lunges for it, wrap your hand around his snout and give him a tiny shake and the stern command, "No Bite." You will have to repeat this about 100 times (no joke) before they get it. Little dogs are hard to train because they have a fast bite reflex. You just have to be persistent in saying, "No bite. No bite." as you hold his snout closed. If you don't do it now, he'll think that biting is a perfectly natural way to react when you put your hand out. You want to stop it immediately. He will not grow out of it without intervention.


the whole thing with dogs is the pack mentality. you must show the dog you are the alpha male. Usually saying "bad" in a loud deep voice will be enough to get the point across. Dogs will hear your voice as a dominant. You may need some light punishment but be careful toy poodles are so small that a "light" pat can be a little tough on them.

Our toy had similiar habits as a puppy but she left it behind after one good scolding. She is a absolute joy now. Also do not play with the puppy with your hands directly, always use a dog toy. As she gets older teach him be nice as a command that he will know is a sign that you are no longer palying. Consistency is a must when training a dog.