3:20pm EDT, why are there NO NEW QUESTIONS showing?

In all the question sections I've checked, ALL the most recent questions are 15 hours ago. Why aren't there ANY NEW questions posted between midnight last night and 3:20pm EDT ????? Sun, 7/20


When I look in "All Categories" I see questions, but not this one. When I look in specific areas: dogs, cats, pets, birds, Yahoo Answers, etc. etc. the most recent question shows at being 15 hours old. And my question here does not show up in the Sub-category "Yahoo! Answers"


Favorite Answer

It's happening to everyone. Y!A is messed up at the moment.

I wish they would tell us WHY....

edit: the only way I found your question, is by going to the Y!A home page; apparently, questions still show up there.

✞ Maggie Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ2008-07-20T19:31:43Z

YA is having a major glitch. Been about 15 hours. I saw your question but only the first page of questions will show. If you go to the second page you will see questions asked hours ago. I don't know when it will get fixed.

Questions show up at the main leaderboard only. Not in individual forums.


It is showing up in all categories. Cause I just read it. I don't know why though!


I noticed the same. I thought someone at Yahoo didn't like me but you have remedied my feelings of paranoia.

C Wood2008-07-22T11:16:49Z

Looks like they finally fixed it, but I wonder if they even told anyone or admitted it had happened.

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