I am getting stitches out of my hand, will it hurt as much as when they were put in?

They did give me a few shots of something in my hand, which also hurt, but it still hurt. I have given birth with out drugs, so I am not a pain whimp but it really hurt. I am scared to have them taken out.


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no it feels like you r taking floss out of you teeth
i have had stitches 37 times


i have had stitches before and about a year ago i had them in my foot. they numbed my foot so i wouldn't feel anything but the shot to numb it hurt more than it did to take them out. for me, it felt weird getting them out, but it didn't take much time and it only hurt a little bit. i must admit i winced a little bit & i was afraid to get them taken out, but i knew i had to do it and it was a lot better than i thought it would b! don't b nervous because its not as bad as u think!


No, it doesn't hurt. Trust me on this - I had them taken out after a vasectomy!


Don't worry, it's completely painless!

I had a few in my leg and didn't even feel them being removed.


No, it may tickle a bit.

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