Yugioh World Championship 2008 action replay codes?

Hello everyone! I cant understand what action replay codes for Yugioh World Championship 2008 are. Can I use them on no$GBA emu? I have found so much codes about all cards x9 ect.could anyone expain me in detail if I can use them on that emu and how? If not could you tell me about saved files i have found on internet? Can I use them? Anyway, is there a way to hack Yugioh Wc rom on no$GBA? Pleaseee!


Favorite Answer

untility>cheats>add new>enter codes in the big box>put name in the small box(Expample:all cards x9)and select codebreaker or action replay,but mostly it is action replay so slect that.there is something that says RAW don't do nothing with that box. and you are done>press okay...wait>now check the square box to use the cheat.>also you could edit the cheat. For more info email me. by the way do you have real live yugioh cards


dude, do some work yourself and google it