What is the most silliest or hilarious 'tactics' that you can do to tackle the one you are interested in

I've seen an ex colleague sending a bunch of flowers everyday to a girl he's interested in for a year. Then later he stop sending because they became husband and wife....


Anderson: I used to do that when i use public transport :P


sugarcane: that's a good way too...

sugar cane2008-07-21T22:11:25Z

Favorite Answer

'ermm, excuse me,, those guys are following me,,i dont feel safe,, can you pretend to be my boyfren till they are gone.. , i would really appreciate it,," then grab his hands,,walk around and,, aww,,,


Not really. i just talk a lot really loudly around the person. But i know of this guy who acted really rude and chilly towards this girl he liked. and then out of the blue one day he just told her that he liked her. surprisingly it worked. I don't know how that can be.

I'll see if I can recall more stories


i dunno...
i turn blue if i get too nervous, that is if he's around
i turn green, feel like i want to vomit, whenever i try to talk to him

i guess the colours my face makes got him to notice me afterall....

Puan Sri kiki. lala2008-07-22T16:48:50Z

GH: hahahah! what la u..last2 ko gak yg bengang..hahaha lawok2..
there's one person, he wrote me a song,then play it wif his guitars..
er..but i wont buy.mybe bcoz i dont have heart to him..uuu~pity2..


i try the new zealand rugby team@all black's style of takling

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