Besides alimony /palimony, who has spouses (or knows people who do) that support their ex'es?

and is this appropriate?

kimberly k2008-07-22T07:21:26Z

Favorite Answer

my ex supports me until our daughter turns 21. he is the one who left for another woman. he made his bed, now he has to lie in it. now he has to live with his parents, while i have the house. do i feel bad? no, he sure as hell didn't feel bad when he left our daughter and i for another woman.


This is an outrage. Women feel entitled to the money makers assets as if they are the ones who made the money. My Ex of 22 years took me for 90k after we split. I am disabled with a 29 year Carpenter pension coming to me and her Lawyer held my Pension hostage as a way to drain my entire estate and bank account. This is unfair and should be stopped immediately. She is able bodied and has management experience. She had no right screwing me to the floor.


unfortunately my HUSBAND still supports his EX WIFE AND she's living off government aid. so when we get taxes....we're screwed.