How do you get and stay motivated to exercise and eat right?

I would usually start a diet for a day and end up breaking it the next. And I'm just not motivated to get up and exercise. I have tried buying smaller clothers and even a 2 piece bikini. I've also tried rewarding myself, but nothing seems to work. I also have a problem with eating one thing bad for me and then I feel guilty so I go and eat more crappy foods.... and tons of it... literatlly. I have tried all kinds of diets and exercise plans but I just can't seem to stick to them and get motivated. Can someone please give me suggestions and advice to fix these problems?


Also listening to music and watching TV does not help me when excersing. I've also tried dance videos, pilates, tredmills, weights, walking and I don't know what to do!


Note to FIRST 2 ANSWERS: Sorry, but I have tried all of those.


Favorite Answer

Diets don't work. They result in exactly the sort of guilty swings you describe. Instead of thinking about weight loss, which is a temporary goal, think about living a healthy lifestyle. I have a wicked sweet tooth, I've found that water and baby carrots are the best things to stop it once I've gotten it going. Try to keep something that's healthy, filling, and cleanses the pallet nearbye in case you get an urge.

Make your workouts fun! Getting on a treadmill sucks, run around the neighborhood instead. I like to follow the green lights and see where they take me. It almost always results in a longer run than I'd meant to go on, but its almost always fun. Get a workout buddy. Having someone else pushing you does wonders. But make sure you don't get too chatty. Also is a treasure trove of information on seriously effective but fun workouts.

Weight loss is not a morality issue. You have to approach it with a possitive mindset, and don't be afraid to spoil yourself every now and then. However, you do have to commit yourself to living a healthy lifestyle. Its not easy, but you'll find that it becomes quite addictive in itself. You'll have more energy, look better, and be able to approach each day with a little extra bounce in your step.

Good luck!


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The truth is that the Paleo Diet will never be considered a fad because it's just simply the way that humans evolved to eat over approximately 2 million years. And eating in a similar fashion to our ancestors has been proven time and time again to offer amazing health benefits, including prevention of most diseases of civilization such as cancer, heart disease, alzheimers, and other chronic conditions that are mostly caused by poor diet and lifestyle. One of the biggest misunderstandings about the Paleo Diet is that it's a meat-eating diet, or a super low-carb diet. This is not true


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make sure everytime you goto the gym you have a goal. for example you want to run a mile on the treadmill in 8 minutes. you currently run a 10 min mile. your limit to make this goal is until next month. so you beat this time so now try 7 min mile until you get there. then 6 min mile and so on. I just recently stopped going to the gym. I stopped making goals. i was a dedicated weightlifter for 5 years. I practically never missed a day with that dedication. i stopped because I can't think of any new goals I want. make sure you change your routine every 3 - 6 months. always look for room for improvement.


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Plan active dates together with your hubby, such as bowling or even golfing, instead of dinner plus a movie.

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