Anyone see Criss Angel walk on water at Lake Mead last night?

I know it's an illusion but how does he do that??


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I saw the jet skis cross his path, so that rules out anything permanent. this BS about the camera guiding him, I believe to be false, as well. There are a few points where he proceeds forward at least 2 or three steps before pointing the camera back at his feet. Maybe he just "remembered" where the "pillars" are? But in a lake that's God-only-knows how deep 100 feet off shore?

I also highly doubt the floating shoes theory. Have you seen the Mythbusters episode where Adam tries to walk on his "water shoes"? It ended in utter failure. It was the ninja episode. Jamie ended up mixing a huge concoction pf water and corn starch. Interesting goop.

I did notice on the show, Mindfreak, that the shoreline where he intended to begin his walk was clearly altered from the surroundings.

I'd be surprised if the two girls that ran out in the water weren't actors, much less the entire audience. I'm very skeptical about things I see on TV, they have the ability to manipulate pretty much anything with technology and enough money.

I will say this though, he is good. He's not God, but he is good.


The one thing I can say for sure is, Criss Angel, is good at what he does. He has no problem telling the audience that most of his performances are illusions. He is the best at what he does. The lake crossing was interesting, because the jet ski crossed the area he had just walked on. That elliminated the chance of something being under the water, at least in my mind. As far as having something to suspend him from the air, I didn't see anything, even from the shot of the family in their boat. Maybe he has done what Einstien formulated as possible. He has learned to manipulate gravity. Who knows, it's his illusion. David Blaine should kneel at the feet of Criss......

Pony Boy2008-07-25T12:41:41Z

I think Criss Angel is great at what he does and so I let myself enjoy it. But, when it's over, I have to ask "How did he do that?". Remember, he lives in our world and all the laws of physics etc... apply to him too. And when you watch the show, you realize that he surrounds himself with a team of consultants, scientists, etc... I think that is what makes him so good, surrounding himself with smart, creative people who can "push the envelope" of what science can do in the realm of magic.
As for walking on the Lake, I noticed he didn't do it barefoot and wearing shorts... he walked on one path, about 100 yards or so out, then sank. Didn't turn around and come back, didn't veer from the path. It was cool and well done but there is a logical answer. It could have been plexiglas pillars, shoes that float, I dunno.
Maybe these guys helped him ==>


I am continually amazed of the excuses and lame *** explainations people give to try and simply what is so clearly a freaking amazing trick.

He wasn't standing on ****, and there was clearly nothing holding him up, try again lol, at the end he "slowly" decended into the water.

I don't know how it was done either but atleast I'm not making a fool of myself trying to explain it when not a one of us clearly has any idea.

I've personally met him in Vegas a couple years back and he did a trick for me and 2 friends, all of which I can verify were not "actresses", He told me to write something on a dollar bill and put it in my back pocket. While standing atleast 5 feet away he pulled a dollar from his back pocket that looked exactly like mine, with what I wrote on it and mine was no longer in my back pocket.

Needless to say I now keep a very open mind, he calls it illusion, but i'll be damned to try and explain most of it.


Uhmm, idk how he does that. but all these people are sayin that they used some kind of wires or plexiglass. UNTRUE.
the person asking is asking about the largest manmade lake in the country. LAKE meade. i mean they cant put that much plexiglass that deep in a lake, and if it was that simple, he wouldnt of done it again cuz he already did it one int the pool. i think that it could have been anything, and it cant be plexiglass becuse the girl came and tryed to do it but fell in and she felt under his feet, and there was nothing there. now if anyone has a better answer and knows how he did it please tell me.

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