what pet is the easiest ,cheapest,and doesn't freak mom out?
i'm looking for a pet that` doesn't freak my mom out
i already know what my mom hates and she hates rodents
also she hates cats so what do i do
please put the price
i'm looking for a pet that` doesn't freak my mom out
i already know what my mom hates and she hates rodents
also she hates cats so what do i do
please put the price
Favorite Answer
Chia pet!
well, i would say a hamster would be a good pet for you. My mom was the same way about me getting and animal until i told her about the hamster. Hamsters only cost about $8.00. If you mom say it's just a rodent(like mine did) reminder her that the hamster will be kept in a cage and will never have to leave it. Once i told me mom all the pros about the hamster she lightened up to and and i got it for my birthday 2 weeks later.
Alison F
I fish, but those are boring. But, your mom will have to approve anything that you get. I prefer cats because they aren't as demanding as dogs and make less of a mess. Just remember if you get a pet it is your to take care of like cleaning it's tank and feeding it if you get a fish.
Well hamster is cheap.. they may bite though.
Rats are easy to train and are friendly...
Fish. That is the easiest to take care of, cheapest, and I DON'T think it will freak yo mama out.(:
By the way, how could a fish end up in the streets unwanted?
LOLLLLL itll die if you do that ):
Pet rock? Seriously, maybe a goldfish would be the easiest and the cheapest.