What facts about evolution have been proven wrong?
I keep seeing all these people claiming that there are a ton of facts about that have been proven wrong. So would someone mind telling me what these facts are and how they disprove evolution because I'm not seeing them.
Sim - plicimus2008-07-25T18:36:30Z
Favorite Answer
Haven't gotten an answer from a rabid creationist yet. Bummer. Maybe the cut and paste feature at Answers in Genesis is broken?
Whenever you ask a question about what "has been proven" ... always make sure you ask ...
... *BY WHOM*?
What is the source? Is it a scientist publishing a paper in a peer-reviewed science journal? Or just some bozo with a degree in "religious education" and a web site?
That's really really important. In fact, it is the entire point!
11 hours and they are yet to post the facts that disprove evolution. Perhaps they are being selfish and dont want us in heaven, but Occams razor dictates that they dont actually have any facts.
You would of thought people so sure would have more than an elusive feeling.
Scientists are trying to prove evolution wrong all the time. That's what scientists do---they attempt to undermine their own theories. Its part of the scientific method that you so love to skip. Its called testing
If you say microevolution is the reason you are so mislead. The claim that microevolution is qualitatively different from macroevolution is fallacious as the main difference between the two processes is that one occurs within a few generations, whilst the other is seen to occur over thousands of years . Essentially you are describing the same process.
People don't seem to understand that SCIENTISTS are trying to prove evolution wrong all the time.
That's what scientists do---they attempt to undermine their own theories.
That's the difference between a scientist and a creationist.
So far, there may be some gaps in our knowledge of all the processes of evolution, but it will NEVER be disproved, any more than GRAVITY will be disproved.
it may change, there may be new wrinkles, but if you think evolution isn't true, you are, forgive me, pretty feeble-minded.