Bit shanks (Myler bits)--flat versus HBT?

I'm trying to buy a new (western) bit. I know which mouthpiece I want, but I don't know which shanks style.

The one I want is a Myler, with 5 inch shanks, but they offer several shank options with the mouthpiece I want. Myler offers a flat shank and an HBT shank. I don't know what HBT stands for, maybe that would help, but I couldn't seem to dig that up.

So essentially my questions are: what is Myler's HBT shank? Visually, it is round as opposed to flat, but what is the difference in function between this and a flat shank?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Flat shank:,11025_L,799,4996_Myler-Comfort-Mouth-Mullen-Barrel-Bit-by-Toklat.html

HBT shank:,89-20015_L,799,5002_Myler-HBT-Comfort-Mouth-Mullen-Barrel-Bit-by-Toklat.html

Hopefully that helps.

Multiple shank lengths are available on both types.


Favorite Answer

I like the flat, ive used all kinds and have some myler bits but some are insainly expensive, but i liked the feel of the flat shanks.


Toklat Myler Bits


Do you barrel race? Trailride? and not all Appys are "warm". Bloodlines now and back can confirm that. The twisted snaffle is extra severe, yet attempting different bits, like a snaffle with western shanks, in a controlled area, is a tenet. If the pony desires extra administration, you should objective a Kimberwycke bit and restoration the reins to the decrease end. Ask the previous proprietor extra questions approximately why that bit replaced into used. possibly his end replaced into no longer that stable. Retraining can artwork in spite of the undeniable fact that it takes staying power. With suitable training, your horse ought to have the skill to be ridden in a halter with reins related to it.

HPTS - La Resistance2008-07-26T14:49:14Z

Can you post photos of the 2 styles?


Myler bits are based on levels of training.
Here are some of their history and options:

Hope that helps