lyme disease test results?

First I will explain why I had the test. For 1 1/2 years been treated for depression, doctor said was out of shape at 125 pounds 5'4, she told me to get a job and stop being a stay at home mom. Called my a are the symptoms, hands and feet tingling and falling asleep alot, pain in feet, legs, hips, back, severe neck pain, racing heart, fatigue.
Doctor gave me lyme test..result letter came saying first test was positive, 2nd test negative so I dont have lyme. Well I called a friend who has 3 family members and 3 friends that got so bad they had to be spoon fed before they finally spent over $100,000 and found a doctor far away that took them seriously. I cant afford this and I really feel I got a false negative. I tried to find a doctor on the web but the only site I found is not working for me and not letting me register for some reason. Do you think it sounds like I may have lyme and doctors in New England? Know any? where do I start because I know my doc is not


going to take me seriously. How do I got about this? How did you make your doctor take your seriously? Thanks so much. I really hope it is negative but I need a solution to these pains. I am 37 years old with 5 young sons. I cant come out of the grocery store without being in pain.


Favorite Answer

Quick answer is not to mess around with them - just move along, your life is too valuable and your children need you.

You won't have to do what your friends did, because more information is available now.

In addition to getting a great LLMD (lyme literate medical doctor), I recommend reading "the top 10 lyme diease treatments" and "the lyme diease survival guide" You may be interested in rife as well, in which case also get "lyme disease and rife machines". I recommend it highly.

I have good links below. Email me if you want more info, or have questions.

Lymenet has a LLMD search as well.


I have been dealing with a possible false negative test for lyme disease for the last 17 years and just found this out. I have been diagnosed with everything from chronic fatigue syndrome,fibromyalgia,multiple chemical sensitivity etc., etc.
I have been on disability and unable to work for ten years. I will share what I have just learned to try and help save you the years of pain and fatigue.
I saw an environmental specialist who specifically ordered $3,000 worth of lyme and tick disease tests. It needs to be done through a lab called IGeneX.This is a special lab that only does tick testing. You should also be tested for Babesiosis,Erlichiosi,Bartonella,and Rickettsia. There web site is You probably need need to see an infectious disease specialist or an environmental specialist to get to the root of your problem. good luck and keep well. Lots of other info if you need it.


Lyme lab tests are problematic--often say you don't have it when you actually do.

Recommend you educate yourself about this complex disease, and join some of the on-line support groups. They can help you find a good doc who knows how to make a clinical diagnosis of Lyme--based on your symptoms and medical history.

Good sources of info about Lyme disease:


i might advise looking a lyme literate physician... you are able to flow to ILADS cyber web internet site and ask them for one on your section. as I comprehend it, band 40-you will arise in a large kind of illnesses. (uncertain nevertheless) stable success, take care, and seek for out a expert who can look at you and get you some help!