What the heck???

I just tried to answer a question and when I hit submit it said it had been deleted because there wasn't a question. The question was in the first line ..."Why do we judge?" That looks like a question to me. The additional details were only a poem which are very special and everyone should have read them. Just because some of you "don't get it" doesn't mean you turn them in to get their ? deleted. It doesn't make sense! What they were trying to ask you whoever you are proved to them that humans judge first before giving a chance. So before you delete me my question is like it says in the first line... "What the heck?"


I'm not going on a hunger strike, but the message does need to get out!


Favorite Answer

I posted that Q and my response was a little more than Heck and I did not delete it
Reminded me of a saying "Never judge a book by its cover" and as we go thru life we all lose loved ones and there is always some who wont or cant understand how this is affecting us
Thanks for asking your Q, just trying to make a difference and get people to Think


lol. yup i know . this is one of the bad thyings about yahoo answers! that users can delete good questions. its so bad. even i get this message atleast 5 times a day. its horrible. i think we should write to YA! lets protest or go on a hunger strike!! lol


Calm down. Are you sure the question wasn't deleted by the ASKER? You can delete your own questions, you know.

Mrs H2008-07-28T23:35:16Z

I answered the same question! See Spectre I told you to add am I pregnant!


omg are you talking about that daddy's poem one/???! cuz i tried to answer the same one and i had a great answer and everything! ughh i was kinda shocked too..cuz it sent a great message

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