I need a microsoft word expert?

What do you do when you have a file on microsoft word but you cannot open it because a window keeps popping up saying that it is "corrupt" and it also says "you may need a converter that may pose a security risk" ? However, the file is VERYYYYY important I really need to open this file but my computer won't do it. Does anyone know what to do or anything I can try ? HELP PLEASE !!!!


oh yeah, thank you everyone for the input. the file is under "microsoft works word processor (.wps)" and it's just a regular word document i created myself.

Michael M2008-07-28T15:09:50Z

Favorite Answer

Without more information like your operating system and MS word version, it's hard to troubleshoot this online. You might try the following link about MS Office 2003 and see if the errors sound familiar.

Sorry I couldn't be of more assistance.


The option is under the View, Zoom... menu, however, don't forget to put page breaks in where you want a topic to end. Another suggestion would be to create pages based upon your outline and store your topics in different documents so as to not loose too much data if something happens. And, don't forget to make a backup copy as you go, and store this on an alternate drive, not the working drive.

Den B72008-07-28T15:11:02Z

Try opening it with another program. Doing so may wreak havoc with the formatting, but you may be able to recover the contents to the point where you can copy & paste it into a new document.

Try using MS WordPad or MS Works.


Go to the Microsoft site and download the Compatibility Tools programme. If it is a programme problem then this could possibly sort it out for you. Try it - see if it works.


did u make the file???
are u using 2003 or 2007 maybe its not compatable with the version of office u have

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