How much does it cost to get a dog its shots?


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Some animal control and humane society places have discount vaccinations. In my area, some of the vet clinics even have certain days where they give discounted vaccinations. I got my pup's rabies and distemper/parvo booster shot for 36 bucks on this discounted vaccine day. They don't even have income limits! So I'd look into that.


When you bring your dog to a vet they charge a fee just for the vets time. Each individual shot costs anywhere from $12-30 dollars where I live. Do you live near a petco? I strongly suggest taking your dog to a vet, as I am a vets assistant and would want my dog to have a check-up along with her shots.
But..if you cannot afford a vet bill right now (as it can be costly) there is a program called luvmypet that does vaccinations with no exam charge and the shots are put into a packaged deal so it is affordable for the everyday person.
Check it out at this website. Hopefully they have this program near you!

April W2008-07-29T16:30:06Z

Check out this website: It gives an average for the cost of owning a dog in its first year. Rabies shots are about $12-$18 and puppy shots are $30-$80 according to this site.
I remember paying about $60 for all shots on my puppy nine years ago.


Are you talking about for a dog that has never had them before, like a new puppy? If so, it will be about $50 for each round, and they get three rounds. Then there's the rabies vaccine every year, or three years, whichever you prefer. That shot can be free, it just depends on how hard you look for free clinics. Here, in my town, there's a truck that drives around knocking on doors of people who have registered dogs, that are due for their Rabies Vaccine. They also offer the shots to anybody who calls up to the Animal Shelter on that day.

Hi my name is: ANIMAL2008-07-29T05:42:24Z

Depends on where you live. Where I used to live it was $10 for the first vet visit and first round of shots then all shots after that were $8. Now where I live there is only 2 vets (clinic and humane society) in town so the first visit plus first round of shots is $80 and each round after that is $35.

But I can go to the local humane society vet and get their shots for $5