CLORETS or TIC TAC..which one do one prefer?
i like clorets. orange flavour.
somehow [tanpa disedari..hishh..] i've already become a clorets case collector..
besides new hobby wic is a perfume collector..darn..
p/s: i just bought the paris hilton's perfume.for women.. whats wrong wif me yow??adei~
anyway, back to the, wic one do u prefer? or u got any other brands to suggest fer my pocket-candy preference?
thank you.
may crab bless y'all..oh yeah~
Ayn: best! sbb tu saya beli.. yeay! ade geng..hahaa we are meant to be togede wahai ayn..gimme 5 yow~ hohoho
aper sume org suke tic tac neh?? marah a cmni..huhuhu~