Are you like the Children of Israel always wanting what God can give You? Or do you desire the Presence of?

God like Moses did?


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I'll admit, there are those times in my walk with Him when I do desire the things that He can give me. I know that sounds selfish but............unfortunately it's the truth.

But yes............I absolutely desire His presence at all times. I know He is with me always.........even when it feels like He's not. I gotta remember that the Lord is sovereign & omnipresent. He will never leave me or forsake me.

Even though I did nothing to deserve His presence to begin with. Thank God for grace.


I desire the presence of God because it is the word of God and the power of God that Stands forever.

I think we as christians need to be more concerned about helping and caring for others than always wanting things.

My hearts desire is to get to know the Lord and be more intamate with Him. Jesus is all we need Jesus is all we need Jesus is enough.

Thank you Jan for a wonderful question and God bless you e4g


it seems that Israel wanted things that God was not giving them...
He gave manna, they wanted meat and veggies.

and they wanted something other than what he was giving...
He gave Himself to rule over them, they wanted a king

it seemed also that Moses wanted something that God had to very carefully allow. but only after Moses asked. not because God initially intended to.
Moses wanted to see God's glory

Moses and those of the old testament could only observe God's glory manifest in fire and smoke. or in deliverance, provision of His people.

but in the new birth.. believers have become "the ark of the covenant, and the tent of meeting."

"we are the temple of the Holy Ghost."

He is our Immanuel. not only with us, but in us... our hope of glory..

in its right setting i don't think that there is anything wrong with wanting whatever God can give.

but many times some Christian doctrine seems to be designed to prevent God's children from taking all that God is giving out... i pray that such things change, for the benefit of everyone.

for God is no respecter of persons.

btw... cool new additions here in the posting answers place


- One member stated that God is always "present" and that is true; however it can go FAR beyond the "omnipresence of God." That is something that we ALL experience and have ALL the time. His omnipresence is available to all who have faith and accept that He IS God (who is with us all ways and always--eternally). Unfortunately, too many of us take this for granted. We go through our daily lives without remembering that He's always "around."

***Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? [Psalm 139: 7 Today's NIV]***

- There is also the indwelling presence that we have as believers: God living in us and us living in Him.

***" 4 Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me.
5 "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." [John 15:4-5 Today's NIV]

"Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit dwells in your midst?" [1 Corinthians 3:16 Today's NIV]***

- There is also God's Manifest Presence--when He makes His presence known to us. It is very powerful but it is also a temporary event. It's so powerful that it changes lives. Daniel, Moses and Paul are a few examples that come to my mind from the Bible. Many believers have experienced God's manifest presence.

What do I desire? I desire all that God has for me and has made available to me and also that closeness and intimacy with Him.



I know my Father is always with me. Jesus promise never to leave me nor forsake me. Nothing can separate me from the love of God.
But daily I go before the Throne of Grace seeking my Fathers will in my life. I thank Him for His grace, mercy and love. Above all for my salvation. I tell Him how thankful I am for all the great things He has done for me in my life. Daily He showers me with blessings.
I hate the trials, the rocky roads but I thank Him for helping me to overcome.
But truth be told, sometimes I mummer and complain. Whine like a spoiled child. Still HE loves me .
More then anything I desire to be in the presents of my Lord and Savior ,Jesus Christ.<><

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