Step parent adoption announcements or wording ideas?

Our step parent adoption is almost complete and we would like to send out announcements but I've been googling forever and can't find any ideas for wording them or pre-made announcements out there for this? Well...I did find 2 links and neither worked..


She's 9 and yes his rights were terminated (hence the adoption part). And yes it was also voluntary. It was an adoption so no he's not involved in her life!? If he was why would we have done the adoption in the 1st place?? It was the child's idea and the BF is in total agreement with the entire thing.
And why on earth would we put ANYTHING about the BF on the announcements??????


Favorite Answer

I recently adopted my stepdaughter. We didn't send out announcements. I called everyone right after court and told them "Well congratulate me. I just became a Mama for the 2nd time in 2 months" (I had given birth to my son just 2 months before the adoption was final.)

You might try something like "_______ is happy to announce that on (date) s/he became ______'s mother/father. Your announcement could have a picture of the parent and child and possibly the judge on the adoption day. If you plan to have any kind of party or anything that info could be added to.

Or you could write it from the child's point of view "_______ is happy to have "______" as his/her mom/dad

Congrats on the adoption


Adoption Announcement Wording


Adoption Announcement Ideas


I think this is awesome that you want to do an announcement for the adoption. I was thinking somewhere along the lines of, "We are finally complete." Since this was years ago, what type of announcement did you decide to do?


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Ask your children. No offense, but even though they are gaining a new dad, it is still a loss to them to lose their original Dad...even if he never "stepped up to the plate". It seems like in most families, the important people would know anyway. I would just do a small family get together to celebrate.

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