Are Goats factory farmed? Does eating Goat cheese support animal cruelty?
I stopped eating meat last February and I'm making strides towards being vegan. (after reading John Robbins "Diet for a new America" I'm convinced its healthier and better for our planet) I know that most eggs and cheese still support the veal and factory chicken farming so I dont want to consume them. I was thinking about Goats milk and cheese yesterday...cause I like the flavor... and was wondering if the majority of Goat products are just as bad to purchase as Cow, Pig and Chicken products.
Please no sarcastic anti- animal lover comments. Your just mean and wasting your time.
I appreciate everyones answers. I would like to say that it's easier for on to transition to a better life style when people are friendly about it. I was a full on meat eater in January this year and I'm happy that I'm making the bit of a difference that I am making. I have the goal to be entirely vegan soon and I'm aware that humans are the only mammal that consume other mammals milk. Its unatural and weird but I've been doing it all my life so be easy on me ;) Not everyone quits cold turkey and thats a personal choice. Kindness gets more on your side ;) I want the world to be a better place just like you do.
Favorite Answer
Congratulations on being an aware consumer :). I personally know a couple goat farmers here in Maine that provide very loving homes for their goats, as well as an organic farmer who treats his cows very humanely. I don't know where you live, but the answer, if possible, is to buy locally and research your food's origins.
Goats are animals. Vegans don't eat anything of animal origin, so goat cheese is no more acceptable than cow cheese. As for whether or not it's raw, well I'm going to trust the cheesemaker above me when he says it's not heated to a high enough temp to be considered cooked. I'm not a raw foodist or a cheesemaker...
My wife and I are vegan for 15 years.The best way to put it is this.IF it has a face don't eat it.Including fish.All non humans have sentience as we do.Please read the Cambridge University Declaration on non human sentience.over 2500 scientific studies have been done.Proveing non human sentience.So This is the best answer I can give you.....If you go veggie first as we did.and still eat cheese ,eggs milk that's ok as a step.I used to buy cabots cheese .they are a co op and do not use rennet...aka animal .also if a product uses glycerin if it dosent say from plants then it came from animal fat.You have taken a big step...its wonderful to ask questions...ok..if you back side don't beat yourself up...and as we say ha hater makes us greater.We wish you the best of will feel better and your cholesterol will be better .This takes time again the best of luck
It's great that you're moving towards veganism. "Diet for a New America" was a real eye-opener for me, too.
Goats aren't factory farmed for their milk (to my knowledge). The main problem is that mammals have to give birth in order to produce milk. Few people want to buy goats as pets, so most of the baby goats are turned into meat.
You might be interested in the story of a goat farmer turned animal sanctuary owner:
So goat's milk and cheese are probably better than cow's milk/cheese (given the veal connection), and definitely better than cramming egg-laying hens into battery cages. They're not cruelty-free, though.
Congrats for making the decision to not only start living a more healthier lifestyle and for caring enough about the planet and animals! I wish more people felt the same .