Friend vs. Friend situation

I know that not all of my friends are going to like each other. That's fine, they don't have to.

But what would you do if one of your closest friends made, what you feel, is a highly unnecessary, and very nasty comment about another friend of yours, when a simple "I don't like that person" would suffice?

Would you just make note of it and just know that you can't bring one friend around the other? Would you say any thing about it to the person who made the nasty comment at all?


Favorite Answer

I would say something...the other friend after all is stll your friend. Just tell her that even though she may not like her that you do. Tell her that she is a great friend to you as well but don't like to hear mean or nasty comments about people who you care about. Tell her that you would tell the other friend the same thing if she ever said anything about her. Try to figure out why she doesn't like maybe something that isn't true and you never know they may end up friends because of you. This happened to me once and one of my friends thought she liked her crush...turned out she liked her crush's brother! So now we're all best friends and laugh at how they didn't like each other..good luck!


I wouldn't talk to the one who was nasty about her comment but I would bear in mind that she is probably threatened by my friendship with the other person. I would make sure I still had time for my "nasty" friend and wasn't ignoring her. When I did things with the other friend I wouldn't hide it, but I wouldn't go out of my way to tell Nasty about it.

I love Coco Bobo Momo and Frodo!2008-07-31T12:40:23Z

I've had this issue before... here's all you have to do:

Friend 1: I hate Friend 2... she's such a *** and **** and ****!!!!!

You: You know I still like her.... you dont have to, but , could you just say you dont like her and leave it at that? I don't like when you call Friend 2 names... 'Kay?


Say something like that to let her know that you understand she doesnt have to like friend 2, but she needs to save her nasty comments for someone else to hear. Don't make a huge scene out of it though! Just tell her what she needs to hear and then say nothing else about it (unless she makes another comment, then just go "Friend 1..." and give her a small look. Still, dont make a huge scene!)

and yes, ALSO make a note not to hang out with both of them together. It would be too awkward and they probably wouldnt enjoy themselves!
Good Luck, I know having friends not like eachother is hard at times!


what did they do to at least one yet another first. then, if its undesirable, you possibly basically could appreciate them and enable time do its element. if its not "undesirable" you both could sit down both one in each of them down and lead them to talk like mature human beings, or choose relying on how the priority is and how a lot you adore your b.f.f and your b.f.

lizzy j2008-07-31T12:32:08Z

well i would say something because he or she is a friend and friends look after each other

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