What if hair dye was NEVER invented...

what do you think everyone would look like? What would be the most common natural haircolor? i say brown...or black.

Or what if plastic-surgery was never invented... wouldn't everyone look normal. There would probably be far less double D'd and a heck of a lot less tiny noses if you know what i mean!

little miss fashionista2008-07-31T14:53:02Z

Favorite Answer

omg, you pose an awesome question, but i totally agree with you :)

people would actually be NORMAL haha
thats kinda sad :)


blonde my hair is naturally really dark brown and i have black eyebrows so i would look like the biggest freak but everythings worth a try

Michael >2008-07-31T16:02:05Z

yah there would be no blue hair or crazy pink hair...

Good... Lol