For girls:What should I have in my pocketbook?

Ok so I really need help.I have never had a pocket book before and everyone recommends that I start carrying one.So my question is what should I put in it for 8 grade.And for everything can you tell me why I need to have it in there.Also I don't wear make-up so don't suggest that I put any make up in there.Thanx in advance.Most detailed answer get 10 points!And can you tell me what kind of bag to get.Thanx!


No I don't mean a wallet I mean a pocketbook to put on your shoulder.I know I need a wallet but I already have one.I mean what should I have in it to be prepared for school.


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feminine products-just in case
wallet with id, cash, a dollar or so in change
house keys
cell phone
small peices of paper and pen (in case you have to write something down, like your phone # :))
small mirror
small hairbrush (or u could find a hairbrush/mirror combo to save space)
lip balm/chapstick
elastic hair things
lotion (if u use it)
hand sanatizer
camera if ur phone doesn't have 1 and it's allowed at school
i-pod or mp3 player if allowed at school

that's about it i guess. hope i helped


I am not a girl but I do carry a messenger bag. The easy part is you don't wear make-up yet. So for the eight grade I would just make a list of things you might need if you were away from home.

Like, cellphone, address book, MP-3, notebook, pens, highliters, book your reading, toileties like a small bottle of hand lotion, nail file, maybe some chap stick, tissues, hair brush, pony tail holders or hair clips, maybe a can of hair spray or mousse, wallet, check book, extra change, bus pass and schedule if you take the bus, and I would decorate the outside with buttons, bows, or ribbons to your taste and style.


If you're planning on carrying a purse, I would recommend maybe Vera Bradley or Coach? Those are a little pricey, though. I have a Nine West purse that looks a little bit like a coach and is amazing. As for what to carry in your purse, here's a list:

-- Cellphone
-- Wallet (with money, gift cards, credit cards, etc.)
-- Tissues
-- Pads
-- Lipgloss or chapstick
-- Purell or hand lotion
-- Pens
-- Gum or mints
-- Paper
-- Hairbrush
-- Mirror
-- House keys

This is a pretty basic list, but you don't want too much items cluttering up your purse. :] Best of luck!


When I was in 8th grade I bought a very small purse because like you, I didn't need to carry much. TJ max has little cute and cheep ones. I suggest your wallet/money, a mini mirror & brush and some feminine products if you need them. I keep my pens and pencils in my purse as well.


when you say pocketbook do you mean wallet? i'm confused. uhm well it's not a big deal just put like money and gift cards and stuff in it. it's not like anyone is going to examine it or anything.

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