how to give a strong punch

I am a 14 year old male.I played judo for about a year now but there is no kicking or punching in judo, just throws choking techniques and submission.I want to know how to throw a good punch to the face or to the body just incase I cant get close to my opponent.
I want to know that and
1.How should I stand when I am about to throw a punch.

2.How Do I control my power in the punch.

3.The best locations to land a punch.[no sensetive parts like the nose or eyes or da groin,I dont want to get kicked out of school]

E G2008-08-01T02:25:25Z

Favorite Answer

To deliver the punch, it is important to keep your body
relaxed. All of your muscles, especially your waste should be ready to move in unison with your arm as you deliver the punch. Do not tighten or clinch your fist until the moment of impact!
At that moment your fist hits the target you should tighten your fist, and PUSH THROUGH your target in a snapping action. The more your muscles work together to snap through your target the more "explosiveness" the punch will have.


The absolute best way to increase the power of your punches is finding a good teacher or coach. A lot of these answers describe much of what can be done to improve your punch but they can't know what your punch currently looks like. A proper instructor will be able to see your mistakes and begin correcting them immediately. On your own you might little improvements over long periods of time but you will also likely injure your hand or wrist with poor technique. If you are interested in learning how to punch properly sign up at a martial arts school or boxing club. The fitness training is great and you'll be learning something you can continue practicing your whole life. Outside of boxing or martial arts there really isn't any reason a person should be worried about increasing punch power because avoidance of a fight will help you far more than a heavy right-cross. Good luck.

Johnny N2008-08-01T08:20:32Z

The link below will help you the best. But here are some brief answers:

1. Stand arms length away from your opponent. Body is turned perfectly sideways with the fist relaxed and close to your head or body.

2. You control the power by controlling your body rotation and arm extension.

3. Best place to land the punch is easy the kidney, solar plexus, or liver. The chin, temple, or behind the ear is also very good.


The only way to really get control and power into your punches is to train on the heavy bag. When u throw hooks, and cross punches, make sure your back foot pivots into the punch along with your hips. Control is just something you need to work on with the heavy bag. Get your timing down right so u know when and where to throw the deadliest punch.


this is from a Boxing Anime Called Hajime No Ippo. This episode one part 2. Pay attention from 1:35-2:20. It shows in illustration the key components to throw a good straight punch, in boxing that is.

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