Riddles Riddles Riddles?

Welcome Back to Riddles Riddles Riddles of WWE.Tonight is a Special Night.So You Get 10 Riddles Instead of 5

1.Who always wins hell in a cell?
clue:it is somebody that is DEAD

2.Who had a streak but when he went against John Cena He Lost?
clue:Somebody that NO BODY likes.

3.Who had a streak in TLC?
clue:John Cena Made him lose that Streak

4.Who is a Former ECW General Manager?
clue:He dosen't have a contract Now still in ECW

5.Who was Vickie Assistant ?
clue:He is now GM of ECW

6.Who was a Announcer from ECW and He got awarded as GM?
clue:GM of _ _ _

7.Who is a Legend that now a Announcer of SmackDown?
clue:It is Not Jim Ross

8.Who is a Animal in WWE?
clue:Somebody on Raw

9.Who was Edge Girlfriend and Left WWE?
clue:she been lots of womens champion

10.Who is Mankind Real Name?
clue: It is M... F....


Guys in 2 and 3 it is different.2 is a normal matches streak.but 3 is in TLC's only


VICKIE G. It is me Mario the owner of the group you joined


Favorite Answer

1. Undertaker
2. Umaga
3. Edge
4. Armando Estrada
5. Teddy Long
6. Mike Adamle
7. Mick Foley
8. Batista
9. Lita
10. Mick Foley


Plato argued that the world is less than perfect because if it were perfect it would be indistinguishable from God. I'm not sure that argument works, but if we take it seriously it suggests why evil would be possible in "creation." Then the question becomes whether or not this universe has the least possible evil. Now, if we reformulate Epicurus questions to be about suffering rather than evil, then it works. The story about your childhood visits to the doctor only works if we assume ignorance is somehow necessary. Why not simply create us knowing everything we need to know? It cannot be to test us, because there would be no reason for an omniscient no being to test anything. Nothing about "logic" assures us of anything. We have not even established that the universe is bound by any logical rules. It may only appear that way to us. As for the so called "word of God," even thinking there is such a thing requires all sorts of other presumptions that nobody has defended adequately. If the claim is that we simply cannot understand God, then everyone claiming to even be sure of that is going beyond human ability.

Jack H2008-08-01T05:49:38Z

Paul Heyman
Teddy Long
Mike Adamle
Mick Foley
Mick Foley


Umaga, hey i like him!
Armando Estrada
Teddy Long
Mike Adamle
Mick Foley
Mick Foley


2.Edge (i like him)
3.Edge again?
4.Armando Estrata
5.Teddy Long
6.Mike Adamle
7.Mick Foley
10.Mick Foley

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