What is a good way to propose to my girl?

So no, i'm not 18, and she is not pregnant. We are both just shy of 30, have been together for almost two years, and both constructive members to society. So how do you think i should do it, or how did you propose or bet proposed to?

Dee U2008-08-01T07:27:50Z

Favorite Answer

Take her to the Zoo, walk around holding hands then after you've shared a laugh from something ...ask her if she has any plans for the next 30 yrs and of course she'll give you a puzzled look and say "What", then get down on one knee and hold out the ring and say " I'm not gonna be to busy but I'd love for you to share the next 30 or more years toghether with you....hopefully she'll say Yes.
Or take here to the first place you met and then propose.
Good Luck.


Here are just some suggestions to throw out at ya. You could pick where you all first met, her favorite restaurant, your favorite restaurant, a friends house, her parents house, your parents house, outside at a favorite spot you like to meet, even a club, your place, her place, her job, her school, your job, your school. Those are the most romantic places I could think of that would mabe have some type of sentimental value to her and you both. You could propose by dropping the ring in her drink, food, gift, (but be careful that she will see it and not eat it or drop it. Good Luck!!!


Well, it doesn't have to be fancy but it doesn't mean you take her to a crazy place either. I know a man who proposed to his love on top of a war fort. :)
You can't go wrong with proposing at a restaurant, or you can take her somewhere special, somewhere where it'll be just the two of you. Somewhere where she would least expect it but it also has to be comfortable. Like at home, or at a park(not crowded). It would be perfect.
Best of luck! ♥♥♥


take a beautiful vase of flowers and 2 candles to a restaurant in advance and when you are seated they will bring them to your table. Makes for a beautiful setting...you will capture the attention of everyone in the room so be prepared for clapping when she says "Yes!"


Where ever u work just before leaving work. propose. or the place that u guys first met.
hope i helped.
desperate for a best answer plz

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