What is the greatest lesson you have learned from your parents (guardians)?
Spiritually speaking, what is the greatest lesson you have learned from your parents/guardian. If not from them, then the greatest lesson from an adult you looked up to while growing up.
For me - my parents live "judge not, lest ye be judged" everyday. This is the greatest lesson I have learned from them - how to not judge people because of their choices. People will make choices that are different than mine and I cannot judge them based on their choices. Some people are different than me and it's not by choice - I need to accept them. My parents taught me how to accept those who are different than me.
Jesus said "love everyone" - He never said "love everyone, except" My parents are great examples of following this commandment. They love and accept everyone despite their differences.
I'm liking all the answers so far. Even from those who feel their parents really didn't teach you much.
Michael P - you answered my question just fine. You still learned something - even if it was to be different from your parents.
Still great answers. We have all learned something from someone - even if it wasn't from our parents.