i just bought a vanilla visa gift card only to find out that i cannot link my address and name to it for online purchases. now i need a card that can be bought in store (like target or CVS pharmacy) like vanilla visa but can be used for online purchases.
Government Benefits Expert2008-08-02T17:19:09Z
Favorite Answer
That is a problem with Vanilla visa card. Any other card should work. If you are nervous about visa gift cards, then try the American express gift card, which can be used online. You can buy one at the following locations:
Drug Stores
Eckerd’s Duane Reade Longs Drugs Rite Aid Walgreens CVS
Grocery Stores/Supermarkets
Safeway Winn Dixie Stater Bros Albertsons A & P Pathmark Giant Kroger Stop & Shop Bashas
You should be able to. As a security measure, companies started asking for the 3 digit security code on the back of Credit Cards, so you might want to verify that your Visa Gift Card comes stock with one. I know they definitely work to pay certain bills online such as cell phone and electric. Good luck!