Wife & Gardener getting IT on, OH GOSH! D:

The Housewife and the Gardener...
>A wealthy housewife was looking out her bedroom window when she
>noticed her gardener working below. She opened the window and called
>down to him, "Ramon... please come up to my bedroom."
>Ramon soon arrived and asked what he could do for her.
>"Ramon," she said. "Please take off my heels."
>Ramon did as he was asked.
>"Now Ramon," she continued, "please take off my stockings."
>Ramon removed her stockings.
>"And now take off my skirt and blouse," said the housewife.
>Again, Ramon did as he was asked.
>"And last, Ramon," said the housewife, "I want you to take off my
>Ramon blushed and took off her underwear.
>"Ramon," said the housewife as she looked deeply into his eyes, "If I
>ever catch you wearing my clothes again, you're fired!"

star if you likeeeeeeeeeee :)


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Good Joke 9/10


I got a violation for answering a question" I'M 49 and want to ( you know) a 16 year old". I wrote "disgusting" and i got the violation even after i reported it!!!!! I appealed it and still waiting a week later for a acknowledgement!


Good One......One good one deserves another

Two good old boys are hunting in the woods & the first guy looks through his high-powered scope on his new rifle & says " Wow..you know I can see all the way back to your house with this thing ! Oh, Oh...I see your wife in your house & she's got a man with her & they're fooling around. "
The second guy says " Damn ...I'm tired of that woman always messing around on me. You know what ? I want you to shoot her in the head and shoot him in his private parts ! "
The first guy who is still looking through the scope says " Hell.....I can do that with one shot "

Pumpkin Pie :)2008-08-02T19:15:29Z

dang dats krazy ramon was gettin happy but i like dis doe

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