Besides Murphy's oil soap, what is the best product for thoroughly cleaning wood floors

Butterfly Lover2008-08-04T22:41:55Z

Favorite Answer

White vinegar and warm water. Damp mop regularly with this solution and have beautiful floors.


I have never used Murphy's oil. But I bought some Holloway House Floor Shine for Wood Floors. My house has wood floors throughout, and all the floors are about 40 years old. So the finish is kind of dull and worn off in places. That Holloway House Floor shine made the floor look beautiful. AND VERY VERY SLICK, or at least when you go running through the house to get the door. : *( Then your boyfriend laughs because he hears the big WHUMP from you falling and sees you unlock the door while still laying in the floor. Dignity hurt more than the fall.


It's true, vinegar will work wonders on wood floors. I don't use any other cleans any more except pin-sol once a month for the disinfecting reasons. Other than that, vinegar once a week when I mop. It cuts residue and absorbs smells and makes the floors all shiny.


Method makes a wood floor cleaner that smells like almonds. It is found at Target.

PATRICIA MS2008-08-05T04:02:44Z

Go to a janitorial supply store and get their cleaner for wood floors. Makes such a huge difference. You'll be amazed. And economical.