If you could talk to Nancy Pelosi right now, what would you say to her?

I'd ask her why she thinks it is her job to save the planet...


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I was raised to believe "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything".

So I'd just deck her.

Augur B2008-08-05T21:11:06Z

I see you oppose the FairTax S-1025
please explain why...................

You are pro-amnesty for 20 million illegal immigrants
How does this help the "working man" legal citizen that you supposedly cater too................

Do you understand that you work for me, and millions of other tax paying citizens. Do you understand that we the people do not agree with your turning every principle and idea our country was founded upon....upside down.

And last but not least, How is it to absolutely do nothing except screw up and get paid by someone that is actually working hard?

My god even democrats dont like you
republicans dont like you
You, Mccain and Obama should take a real serious look at your approval ratings...single digits LOL
Or, do you even care? Money and power at any cost, right?

Too bad there are several men behind you in black suits and raybans protecting you. And too bad you and others like you have created an education system to place masses of people in a numb mindset to put you in the position you are in today.

B*tch- you and your co-workers disgust me


Get off your duff and do your job! The majority of the people want the vote on drilling to take place.

Corvette Boy2008-08-05T20:04:59Z

I'd sing her a song: Yesterday by The Beatles


I'd tell her to get back to work. The vacation is over and there are 20 Republicans making a stand on the Congress floor, waiting for everyone else to come back and talk about the rising gas prices.

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