What is your cup of tea???


The first five of you, what i mean is what is it that you are good at???


Favorite Answer

I'm pretty good at asking questions, the more answers i receive, the more questions seem to get conjured up. The human mind fascinates me, not just the physical mass, but the intangible, you know, the things that separate us from eachother and those that bind us. Why is it that we do the things we do, for example. If I had some kind of gidget/gadget or doodad that I could ask a question and get the complete and correct answer everytime (without typing or searching) I would be in heaven! so, i guess that's my answer, I'm good at thinking (not neccessarily about something productive all the time though, lol).


Warm Ginger Tea


Green tea

!z@@h. (はりざ )2008-08-06T07:09:29Z

make a cup of tea

♥Always his♥2008-08-06T06:22:37Z

any thing hot edit: i didn't take that seriously I was being sarcastic thats my cup of tea lol I can't believe you thought I thought you meant tea.

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