Are you optimistic about the future?
With global warming, recession, more and more murders occurring, lack of morals in society, etc...what are your thoughts?
With global warming, recession, more and more murders occurring, lack of morals in society, etc...what are your thoughts?
Favorite Answer
Im not going to worry about the future. I am going to live in the present. Maybe it won't be the same. Sometimes I'm scared about it and don't want to be there when it happens, but I am just going to trust in God's plan.
Teresa (SFECU) -†- pray4revival
I'm very optimistic about my personal future as I have faith that the Lord will be calling me home soon.
As for the future of the rest of the world; I don't think global warming and recession are going to be the big concern. They're just two of the phony excuses The Government will use to gain total control of the people. Then it's going to get MUCH worse before it gets better and the murders we read about today will pale in comparison. So I am very concerned about those who will remain here to suffer through all that.
Yes, but then, I am an optimistic person. I tend to look on the bright side of things.
For example: Global warming (and global cooling) has always occured, we humans only control a certain percentage of it (we really cannot stop cows from farting), and change is part of life (and I don't just mean human life, but of all life on this planet. We can slow global warming down by using less fossil fuels, but we cannot stop it, its part of the evolutionary changes that take place on this planet. Frankly that change has allowed us to exist thus far.
Recession happens. So does depression. People survived. Its up to us to do what we can to make sure that we do.
I don't worry about the lack of morals, I worry about the lack of ethics. Social consequences will only persuade some of us to refrain from violence, for the rest, we must accept that people do what they like, and sometimes they hurt others. I try not to be that way. I read A Clockowrk Orange. We cannot prevent others from committing crimes, we can only set up a system of consequences for them to have to deal with. They must make their own decisions about how to live their lives.
In many ways, our lives are so much better than society 100 years ago. We (women) are allowed to vote, and hold property, and work and earn our own money, raise our own families. We now have civil rights that are enforceable for all people (not just white, wealthy, men). We have programs that help people at times of need, instead of letting them drop between the cracks of society.
Life is better for Americans now than it ever has been before.
In the 1960's, it was the "bomb". In the 1970's, it was we were running out of petrol. In the 1980's, it was that Reagan was going to bomb the world into oblivion. In the 1990's, it was that Clinton was going to get impeached. In the 2000's, it is the global warming, terrorism, and the recession is going to cause the world to end.
Generally, there are always "concerns" you voice as many in the world are just plain pessimistic. I wouldn't let these concerns stop you from living life to its fullness.
Unless you are an Einstein or Currie or Obama or McCain, there is little that you will do personally to affect these big things (except to vote in November). In a saying from the 1970's, "just keep on keeping on".
Global warming is natural
Recession - Look the word up and tell me if we are actually in one. Higher prices for things is just supply and demand at work. -
Murders will always occur.
Morals are fads and constantly being re evaluated by the people.
I'm optimistic about my future. Everyone else can go suck a nut =P