Have you ever wondered why people act as they do???

Such as beating a red light, throwing rubbish everywhere, smoking where there are no smoking signs, not wearing a seat belt and talking on the phone while driving???


Cactuar - The ganja from Grandpa Gindy's farm has made the cow a thinker........sigh!!!!

aNgRy YoUnG pOeT2008-08-07T18:04:52Z

Favorite Answer

people are people. they are selfish, egoistic, undisciplined and gross.

unlike us apes and cows, crabs that we are unselfish, friendly disciplined and clean.

let's just stay away from people. someday, apes, cows and crabs will take-over the world.


Some people just love to break the rules, it's a sign of defiance to prove that one can challenge the authority, to see how far one can go before getting caught.... sometimes it's like taht. But it's also be cause people don't care.

In the red light case, just because there are no vehicles they assume it's safe to do so. Throwing rubbish: someone will clean up. Not wearing a seat belt: never mind it's no big deal. Using phone while driving: can multi-task... nothing wrong

They do not stop to think about the consequences of their actions towards themselves and others. And also maybe they think they won't get caught, the "it won't happen to me" mentality. (Darn... this got me thinking too)


Holy Cow


Because they are people of our country ... the education system either from the school or house ... we need to educate the citizen to be dicipline no matter where you are ...

I have a quote for you all ... and to remind myself too ...

"Fear more the sin when you are out of sight, it is where your witness is also your judge" - Caliph Ali


Plain selfishness
Lack of respect for others, the system and the environment.
Lack of respect for oneself.
Conceitedness. Think they are too important and better than others.
Lack of moral values and civic awareness.

Hey.. now you're more like an intelligent cow than a mad one..hehe!

*double sigh*

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